Doctor Who: The Good the Bad and the Alien / System Wipe Page 3
across her face, 'or we could hitch a ride . . .'
The Doctor had been logged into the
computer for over half an hour now. The
tiny flat had become cramped and stuffy a long
time ago — even with the tiny window open.
It had been Amy's suggestion to climb to
the roof and admire the view while they waited,
but the lifts had stopped working again and
they had to take the stairs. There were seventy
floors in total and Rory made sure to remind
Amy of that fact as they passed each one.
His feet hurt.
'My feet hurt,' he said for the fifth time.
'Nearly there now.'
'They hurt bad. Like, blisters and things.'
'It'll be worth it when we get to the top.'
Finally they passed the uppermost floor
and opened the hot metal door to the roof.
A cool breeze washed over them and Rory
undid a second button on his shirt. He held
his arms away from his sides to fully enjoy the
sensation as he walked across the burnt grey
paving slabs that wound a path through the
broken air-conditioning vents and shattered
maintenance boxes.
He put his arm around Amy as they reached
the edge and gazed out at the ruins beyond.
The view took their breath away.
'It's like . . . everything is sky,' Rory said.
From this height, the blinding heat of the
sun appeared to have frozen the desert into
glass. The dunes scattered a ragged reflection
of the white-blue sky above. Even the nearby
buildings were reflected, giving the impression
that the entire city was simply —
'Floating. That's what it feels like,' Amy
replied. 'And there's not a cloud in the sky. Do
you think there's any water left in the world?'
'I don't know,' said Rory, squinting his
eyes against the glare and looking around.
'Although,' he motioned with his hand.
'There's that.'
Amy turned to her right. A single cloud
hung on the horizon, a plume of glittering
white that seemed to stretch for miles.
'Uh, Rory, I don't think that's a cloud,' she
said nervously. 'I think that's a sandstorm.'
'Well it would be, wouldn't it?' Rory had
travelled with the Doctor long enough to
expect anything less dangerous. 'What shall
we do?'
Amy's reply was drowned out by a loud thud.
It echoed loudly around the tower block and
slowly the pair returned their gaze to the desert.
A large round crater had appeared in the
sand, just over a mile away from where the
pair were standing.
'There!' Amy pointed to the sky and Rory
raised his eyes just in time to see a silver streak
falling back down to Earth.
Another thud, another crater. Closer this
'What,' said Rory, 'was that?'
They didn't have to wait long to find out.
The object cannoned into the side of the
tower block nearly twenty floors below with
a crash that made the entire building shudder.
Rory stumbled dangerously close to the edge
of the roof but Amy grabbed him as she
dropped to her knees beside him. Wrapping
an arm around his legs for support, she leaned
over the ledge and looked down.
Clinging to the side of the structure,
covered in grey concrete dust, was a giant
robot. As they watched, it turned its smooth,
featureless head upwards towards them,
and the image of a bright yellow smiley face
appeared on its screen. The face winked.
With a loud crunch, the robot withdrew a
fist from the wall and smashed it into the floor
above to pull itself up. Then it did the same
with its other fist. Slowly, the robot began to
climb up the tower block, almost demolishing
the wall as it did so. Broken glass and bits of
plaster exploded outwards with each calculated
punch, cascading over the robot's metal back
like water.
'Uh,' Rory put a hand on Amy's shoulder.
'Shouldn't we be, um, running? Or something?'
'I don't know. It seems pretty friendly, what
with the smiley face and all.'
'Yeah, but maybe that's how it tricks
people into letting it kill them. I mean, how
do we know it wasn't an army of robots that
destroyed the planet in the first place? And
demolishing this city isn't just them finishing
the job?'
'Could be,' Amy replied. 'But either way,
it doesn't exactly look like the kinda thing we
could run away from, does it?'
Rory swallowed and winced as the building
shuddered from another blow by the robot.
'Well, you're the boss,' he said finally.
So they waited, until eventually the robot's
huge metal hand smashed through the ledge
of the roof. It hauled its massive bulk onto the
paving slabs. The slabs cracked.
'Well you ... are definitely a lot bigger than
I thought,' Rory finished lamely. Cautiously,
Amy raised a hand and waggled her fingers in
'Hi,' she said.
The robot looked at them.
'Hello.' Its voice crackled slightly, and
it looked down to see that its speaker was
clogged with dust. There was a sudden burst
of noise, and a small grey cloud burst from its
chest. When it spoke again its voice was far
deeper than before. 'Let's try that again: hello?
'Did that robot just clear its throat at us?'
whispered Amy.
'I think it just did,' Rory replied.
The robot ignored them. 'I'm sorry to
bother you,' it continued, 'but I'm afraid an
army of robots is heading this way and they're
programmed to demolish the city.'
There was silence for a moment, then Rory
folded his arms and turned to face his wife.
'This,' he said triumphantly, gesturing at the
robot behind him with his thumb, 'is why you
should always listen to me.'
A short while later, Amy and Rory had led
the robot down into the hallway outside
apartment 23B. Its huge frame left long
scratches down each side of the corridor and
with every shuddering step, Rory had visions
of them all plummeting down to ground level.
'So, what do we call you?' Amy asked the
robot. 'Do you have a name?'
'My name is Daryl,' the robot replied.
Rory sniggered and Daryl's smiley face
transformed into a frown. Rory stopped
sniggering immediately. 'Nice to meet you,
Daryl,' he said.
The door opposite the Doctor's apartment
had been left ajar. Now it swung backwards
and forwards in a heavy breeze, beating a
regular rhythm against the frame.
'That's funny,' said Amy. She stepped
forward to prevent another slam, 'I can't
remember it being this windy when we arrived.'
She looked out
through the broken hole in
the side of the tower block. The sandstorm
was larger now, much larger.
'They're coming,' said Daryl
'Wait, you mean that sandstorm is the robot
army you warned us about?'
Daryl nodded.
Rory swallowed. 'How many of them are
'It takes 347 to span the length of a city
this large.'
'But what's the point? There aren't any
humans left to enslave!'
'Enslave?' Daryl's screen refreshed and a
large blue question mark appeared. 'They're
helping humanity. And even if they could
think for themselves, what would they need
with human slaves?'
'Well, in the movies . . .' Rory trailed off.
Daryl shook his head in disbelief.
'But why would humanity want their world
demolished?' Amy stepped in.
'Demolition is only the first stage. They're
preparing the ground to rebuild the planet.'
'So unless we grab the Doctor and get out
of here sharpish we'll become the foundations
for Chicago 2. I get it, right, let's go!' She
pushed open the door to apartment 23B,
and strode over to where the Doctor was still
sitting, slumped in his chair and connected to
the Desktop.
'Wait, don't -' she heard Rory call over her
shoulder, before he was drowned out by an
almighty crash.
Amy turned to see Daryl standing in the
doorway. Or at least where the doorway used
to be. The wooden frame was now perched
at an angle across Daryl's back and behind
him the plaster of the wall had been smashed
through in a perfect outline of the robot.
'— do that.' Rory finished quietly, standing
on tiptoe to look over Daryl's shoulder and
into the room.
Daryl raised a finger and pointed at the
Desktop. A small shower of plaster powder
tumbled to the floor as he did so. 'Do not
unplug the user,' he said.
'What? Why?' Amy's hand hovered over
the small green power light.
'It's dangerous.'
'More dangerous than getting demolished
by an army of robot-bulldozers?'
'That is unfair.'
Amy rolled her eyes and moved to press
the Desktop. In a flurry of movement, Daryl's
arm snapped out. It extended on a piston and
grabbed her by the shoulder, pulling her away
from the desk.
Amy squealed, more out of surprise than
anything else. Daryl's grip was surprisingly
'Hey! Hands off my missus!' Rory banged
on one of Daryl's shoulder blades with a fist.
'If he is unplugged before he logs out, his
mind will be separated from his body and his
body will short-circuit.' To illustrate his point,
Daryl's face flashed up a smiley face with
crosses for eyes.
'Ouch,' muttered Amy. 'Then how does he
get out?'
'He needs to find a save-point. It will store
his online character and return his mind to his
real-world body.'
'But he doesn't know that he needs to save!'
'I am connected to the network - if he
hasn't moved far from the Tutorial zone I
may be able to save him externally.' Moving
Amy carefully aside, Daryl spread his right
hand over the Desktop. From the inside of
his palm, mini-pistons began to drop down
and connect with the surface. The Desktop
rippled with light as the pistons began to tap
on its surface. It looked as if the finish was
being struck by neon-water droplets. Amy
thought it was beautiful.
Amy, I think you'd better look at this.'
Rory's voice broke her concentration. She
rushed over to where he was standing in
the hallway, looking out at the approaching
It was much closer now, and through the
rippling grains of glass sand, the pair could
begin to make out the large, dark outlines of
the demolition robots. They were huge.
'We're running out of time,' Rory hissed
urgently and, as if in response, the edge of the
storm smashed into one of the outer buildings
of the city.
There was a terrible, crunching grinding
noise, like nails scraping across a blackboard,
only a thousand times louder.
Amy covered her ears with her hands as
the building began to shake.
'Daryl! Tell me you're done!' she shouted
over the din.
Daryl straightened up, and turned his
screen towards them. On it was a sad face.
'The user has left the area. I am unable to
pull him out.'
'The Doctor! He's called the Doctor!'
Amy ran over to him and flung her arms up in
frustration. 'There's got to be something, he'll
do something, that's what he does, escapes in
the nick of time and —'
The tower block shuddered again, longer
and louder this time as another building was
chewed up by the advancing bulldozers.
'The nick of time has just run out,' Daryl
stated. We have to go.'
'No! We're not leaving him!' Rory was in
the doorway now, his head and shoulders
white with plaster dust. 'You're a robot! Call
them off!'
Daryl shook his head. 'I am not . . .
operating within my programming. They will
not listen to me and I can't risk my actions
being discovered.'
Amy and Rory exchanged puzzled glances.
Daryl waved them into silence, demolishing
half the bathroom in the process. 'I do,
however, have this.' A small hatch popped
open in his thigh and he produced a small
white sphere that immediately sprouted four
legs. He reached down and placed it carefully
on the floor beneath the Doctor's chair. 'An
emergency beacon. It forbids the bulldozers
to demolish anything within two metres square
of its location.'
They looked at the device doubtfully. It
blinked at them. Then, before they could
protest, Daryl reached out two massive hands
and grabbed them both. Holding them tightly
to his chest, he bent his knees with a sharp
hiss of hydraulics.
'Hopefully,' he finished, before jumping
through the wall.
Daryl set Amy and Rory down two miles away
on the opposite side of the city. They staggered
to their feet, battered and bruised, and turned
to watch as the sandstorm swamped the tower
block they had been standing in only a few
minutes before. The wall of sand dwarfed
even the tallest skyscrapers, and they looked
on in horror as each one was transformed into
a shower of glittering dust.
Rory put a hand on Amy's arm, but he had
no words to comfort her. Soon the city was
lost from view.
Amy turned to Daryl and looked
at him
with hollow eyes.
'What now?' she asked.
In response, Daryl turned away from her
and crouched. Then beckoned for them to
climb onto his back.
'Now,' he said, 'we run.'
'Do you think your mount could stop trying
to eat mine for just five minutes?' the
Doctor sniffed. He was perched awkwardly
on the back of a small, ostrich-type bird. It
waddled under his weight and kept scooting
off in the wrong direction whenever he wasn't
Blondie was riding a two-metre long tiger.
Which was blue.
She had found it prowling around at the
edge of the stampede, ready to pick off any
stragglers. With a few well-chosen swipes of
her sword she had persuaded it to stand still
long enough for her to climb onto its back.
Once she had done that, the creature was
stuck with her.
It snapped its jaws at the Doctor's ostrich
once again and let out a frustrated growl. The
noise sent the bird and its rider zigzagging off
to hide behind an emerald-coloured tree.
Cautiously, the ostrich poked its head out
from behind the trunk and squawked angrily
at the tiger. The Doctor's head popped out
soon after.
'I suppose this is because I'm a level one
animal-trainer-rider type-thing, right?'
Blondie nodded. 'You're getting the hang
of it now.'
'And I presume you're on level three trillion
and four or something because you're Little
Miss Perfect?'
'Well, thirty-five at animal training'
The ostrich stretched out a bony leg to step
cautiously out from behind the tree. The tiger
growled and the bird quickly returned to its
hiding place.
'Well, if you're so good, how come you
can't stop your tiger-thing from trying to eat
my chicken-thing?'
'I can. But it's funnier this way.'
'Oh, you are a great help,' the Doctor let
out a bitter laugh. 'It's the end of your world
and all you can think about is making me
look stupid.'
Blondie smiled. 'I've always said it'd be nice
to die laughing' She yanked at the lump of fur
behind the tiger's neck that she was using as
a rein and reared it away from the bird. 'But
obviously your sense of humour is only at
level one as well.'
Finally the Doctor was able to control his
ride, and trotted out to rejoin Blondie. 'So
even a person's sense of humour has a level
here?' he asked.
'No, that was a joke.'
'I'll shut up now.'